Not all Christians believe that culture is worldly or demonic. The perception of culture among Christians varies widely, and there are diverse opinions within the Christian community. However, there are some Christians or Christian denominations that may view certain aspects of culture as worldly or potentially harmful for various reasons. Here are some factors that may contribute to this viewpoint:

Biblical Interpretation: Some Christians may interpret certain Bible passages in a way that leads them to believe that the world is inherently sinful and that aspects of culture can be influenced by this fallen world. They may reference passages that warn against the ways of the world or the dangers of conforming to worldly standards (e.g., Romans 12:2). The truth is that culture is not worldly, it is a set of values and practices that people share that define them as a group or society. this means that there is also what we call kingdom culture or Christian culture which is what differentiates many Christian denominations. Some believe its ok to worship in some certain ways while some don't etc.

Moral and Ethical Concerns: Some cultural practices, beliefs, or norms may conflict with certain Christian moral or ethical values. In such cases, Christians who hold strong moral convictions may view these cultural elements as problematic or incompatible with their faith. This is very true, and culture is very diverse, and one has the right to choose which ones to be involved with and which one will affect their Christian faith.
The phrase "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" is not a Bible verse, but it can be related to Colossians 3:17, which says "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him"1. Another verse that is similar to the phrase is Matthew 22:21, which says "So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s"2.

Historical Context: Historically, there have been periods within Christianity when aspects of culture were viewed with suspicion due to concerns about syncretism (the blending of different belief systems) or perceived conflicts with Christian doctrine. This has influenced the way some individuals or group’s view culture.
Cultural Relativism: Some Christians may fear that embracing certain aspects of culture could lead to moral relativism (the belief that there's no absolute truth, only the truths that a particular individual or culture happen to believe.), where one's values and beliefs become subject to cultural influence rather than being grounded in Christian principles.
It's important to note that the perception of culture among Christians is not monolithic, (it's not imposing) and many Christians celebrate and integrate aspects of their culture into their faith in a positive way. They may use culture to express their faith, share the Gospel, and connect with others.
Additionally, many Christians recognize the value of engaging with culture to promote positive change and to better understand the diverse world in which they live. They seek to find common ground, build bridges, and contribute positively to society.
In summary, while some Christians may view certain cultural elements as worldly or problematic, this perspective is not representative of all Christians. The perception of culture among Christians is shaped by individual beliefs, denominational teachings, and a variety of other factors, leading to a wide range of perspectives within the Christian community.
We will discuss this in full in our YouTube Channel and also have the opportunity to answer questions, please drop your views and questions here or as a comment in our social media pages so we can discuss these further.

When Christ came to abolish the law, some certain aspects of culture were also abolished…. To an extent, culture is conformity to this world.
The bottom line is NOT TO MAKE THE WORD OF GOD OF NON-EFFECT BY YOUR TRADITIONS(Culture and beliefs inclusive) Matt.15:6b
As a Christian, what matters most is your belief in Christ. This is a great article in this matter!
Wow! Can't wait to hear more from BYAN ✨🤩